Labels:bag | book | bottle | box | person OCR: THE EASIEST WAY TO DO SOUND ON YOUR PC! Midisoft Sound Bar is the Windows 95. -style taskbar that makes easy sound 10 everything you jop high Get AM-32 started INTRODUCTORY $10.95 right value! -quality away OFFER! microphone with Labtec* the OF Midisoft SPREAD MIDISOFT ouna the THE Bar most SOUND SOUND includes cona BAR' AROUND TO communications -GIVE lieenses FRIEND ONE right VOU COPY away Keepa copy tor yoursel an make ore frienc or coll league Now yor can Do Sound and share it with friend OUTPUT METER /MUTE VIRTUAL DRAWERS Allthe BALANCE LEVEL CONTROL unetion vO1 yout need .152 SOLN VOLUME LEVEL CONTROL noue lick lum you.r olrr Midisaf Bar TREBLE BASS CONTROL nel.des "Virtual Adjuethe teble Drawers hat clicl in and u to make ay to accest 501 d applications ac conservs -taCr aingows cesk ...